All and Everything (Volume two)

Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson

All and Everything (Volume two)
George Gurdjieff
Translation edited byGurdjieff Foundation
Date of PublicationDecember 1992
Number of pages344
Dimensions21cm x 14cm
CoverSoft cover
from 22.00€
Available from 1 to 3 days


After a lifetime spent in the teaching of a system of knowledge which he gave only to a small circle of pupils, George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff decided shortly before his death in October 1949 to publish the first of a series of his books which expresses his ideas in the form of a cosmological epic based upon the legend of 'Beelzebub' - whose banishment to our Solar System brings him inte contact with mankind whose strange customs and problems he describes with deep compassion and at times with superb humour. This 'all-wise Beelzebub', with profound understanding af the weakness af humanity, paints the way towards the regeneration of mankind through the development of the inner possibilities of man and presents a teaching ef exceptional value for the world. All and Everything is of speclal significance now, when the world is helplessly struggling to control the intensification of technical achievement which threatens to destroy the essential values and purposes of life. This book rediscovers the path whleh man was destined to follow in the universal scheme and from which he has so far gone astray.t seem to contradict modern beliefs have inspired some to question the book's "autobiographical" character. For example, Gurdjieff claims to have first heard the Epic of Gilgamesh as an oral epic sung from memory by his father; to have made contact with various ancient brotherhoods including the Sarmoung Brotherhood; to have copied a map of "pre-sand Egypt"; and to have witnessed a number of miracles and esoteric phenomena. There is currently in existence an esoteric group of loosely affiliated individuals who engage in what is called "The Work", which is the doing part of Gurdjieff's teachings.


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